
Welcome! Our goal is to help our church family become true disciples of Jesus Christ by teaching God’s Word with age appropriate curriculum.

Age-Groups & What we’re working through currently

Please note that due to physical classroom space, all our children’s classes are currently full for the remainder of the ministry year.


Board books by Carine Mackenzie on the character of God.

Read Aloud Bible Stories books by Ella K. Lindvall.

“He Has Spoken Through His Son”

“Generations of Grace”

“World Tilting Gospel”

The Bible, the Gospel, and the Christian Life


If you have questions about how you can become a Christian,
or want help in knowing how to live the Christian life, please write to:

GraceLife Church of Edmonton
51529A – Range Road 262

Spruce Grove, Alberta  T7Y 1B3

or E-mail us at office@gracelife.ca or study the material on our web site.