November 15, 2020Two Disturbing RealitiesSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 7:25-36
November 8, 2020Judge With Righteous JudgmentSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 7:14-24
November 1, 2020The Reason Jesus is So OffensiveSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 7:1-13
October 18, 2020The Flesh Profits NothingSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 6:59-71
October 11, 2020The Necessity of Irresistible GraceSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 6:41-58
October 4, 2020The Bread of LifeSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 6:28-40
September 27, 2020Missing the Significance of the SignSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 6:16-27
September 20, 2020All or NothingSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 6:1-15
September 13, 2020Neither Able Nor WillingSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 5:39-47
September 6, 2020Spiritually Deaf and BlindSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 5:30-38