November 7, 2021The Tragedy of TreasonSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 13:18-30
October 31, 2021The Humility of LoveSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 13:1-17
October 24, 2021The Demands of DiscipleshipSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: TopicalCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: Luke 9:23-26
October 17, 2021The Last CallSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 12:37-50
September 26, 2021The Darkness and Glory of the CrossSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 12:27-36
September 19, 2021A Stunning ContrastSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 12:12-26
September 12, 2021When Worship and the World CollideSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 12:1-11
August 22, 2021Seeing Things As They AreSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: TopicalCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: Isaiah 66:1-2
July 18, 2021A Politically Motivated PlanSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 11:47-57 Listen Download
July 11, 2021The Raising of LazarusSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 11:38-46 Listen Download