April 26, 2020Why Jesus Must IncreaseSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 3:31-36
April 19, 2020The Goal of All MinistrySpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 3:22-30
April 12, 2020Dispositions to the LightSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 3:17-21
April 10, 2020The Most Important QuestionSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: TopicalCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: Galatians 3:10-14
April 5, 2020For God So Loved the WorldSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 3:16
March 29, 2020This is How to PraySpeaker: James CoatesSeries: PsalmsCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: Psalm 86
March 22, 2020Comfort and Duty in AfflictionSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: PsalmsCategory: Pulpit Sermons
March 15, 2020The Peace of ChristSpeaker: Brad BredenhofSeries: TopicalCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 14:27
March 8, 2020The Persistent WidowSpeaker: Bud TalbertSeries: Guest SpeakersCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: Luke 18-1-8
March 1, 2020Faith From AboveSpeaker: James CoatesSeries: JohnCategory: Pulpit SermonsKey Passage: John 3:11-15