Become a GraceLife Member

Become a GraceLife Member

Our fervent desire and steadfast commitment is to have a biblically sound church whereby the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is preached.

Our fervent desire and steadfast commitment is to have a biblically sound church whereby the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is preached.

Sunday Services: 9:00am & 12:30pm
Adult Sunday School: 11:00am

Step 1:
Sign Up

Sign up for membership on Sunday morning at the Welcome Table, pick up our membership applications and booklets. Begin the process of completing the application by reading through What We Teach and our Bylaws.

Step 2:
Attend Classes

Attend our four membership classes. These classes cover a biblical case for church membership, some of the distinctives of GraceLife Church, and the necessity of serving in the church as well as the opportunities for service at GraceLife Church.

Step 3:

Have a membership interview with one of the elders. This provides an opportunity for the elders to begin pastoral care and for the potential member to ask any questions about our church.

Step 4:
Water Baptism

Baptism, if necessary, and the formal recognition of our new members at a Sunday service.

Need to catch up by listening to a missed class?

Have Questions?

If you have questions about how you can become a Christian, or want help in knowing how to live the Christian life:

E-mail us at, study the materials found on our website, or write to us at:

GraceLife Church of Edmonton
51529A – Range Road 262, Spruce Grove, Alberta T7Y 1B3

Join us for Sunday Service:

Sunday Services: 9:00am & 12:30pm
Adult Sunday School: 11:00am