55+ Group

55+ Group

The adult ministry exists to draw us together as brothers and sisters in Christ – in our lives, our homes, our jobs, our community, and our church.

The adult ministry exists to draw us together as brothers and sisters in Christ – in our lives, our homes, our jobs, our community, and our church.

Sunday Services: 9:00am & 12:30pm
Adult Sunday School: 11:00am

We want to help you grow in your relationship with Christ through prayer, studying His word, fellowship and service.

Join us at one of our upcoming events – its a great way to get to know others with the same interests and life experience.

Have Questions?

If you have questions about how you can become a Christian, or want help in knowing how to live the Christian life:

E-mail us at office@gracelife.ca, study the materials found on our website, or write to us at:

GraceLife Church of Edmonton
51529A – Range Road 262, Spruce Grove, Alberta T7Y 1B3

Join us for Sunday Service:

Sunday Services: 9:00am & 12:30pm
Adult Sunday School: 11:00am